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Media Requests

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Want to do a story and share the beauty of birth photography? We would love that!

If you are a member of the media and would like to do a story on the competition please complete our Media Request Form below before using or sharing any images. Images can only be shared once the form is complete. Proper credit and hyperlinks to the photographer / copyright owner are required. We will provide you with all the contact info, photographer links and watermarked / web ready images in one download that you’ll need to run your story. It’s easy!

Upon receipt of the completed form (and once the winners are announced) we will send you a link to download our Media Packet via We hope this Media Packet will be helpful to you in preparing your features and sharing the beauty of birth photography!

The images we provide are web ready only. If you would like a full resolution image for printing purposes you will need to contact each photographer individually. Contact information is provided in our Media Packet for your convenience.

PLEASE NOTE: We ask that you do not take images from our competition gallery. Some photographers and parents have opted out of being included in our Media Packet and you do not have permission to share those photographs.

When your article is complete please share the link with us so we can re-share and let our members know they have been featured! You can email links to me***@bi****************.com.

All other media inquiries, including a request for an interview or quote from our Director, Liz Cook, should be directed to me***@bi****************.com. Thank you!

Media Packet Request Form

I agree to not use inflammatory language when describing birth practices, subjects, babies or the photographs provided to me. Examples would include: traumatizing, scary, unsafe, unnatural, irresponsible, gross, etc. Please remember that you are writing about someone's personal experience and baby. We aim to honor those who allow us into their sacred birth spaces.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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