Our first call will be open to all members to attend. We will be replaying Rhea’s masterclass on vicarious trauma and at the end opening it up to any questions or support needed by members. Rhea will be offering our first session with her in February. To become Accredited please click here.
The first Wednesday of each month, our resident licensed trauma counselor, Rhea Dempsey gets together with our Accredited Members and offers group counseling. We recognise that over time as birth workers we can accumulate our own vicarious trauma from attending births.Rheais here to help us work through this, keep birth sacred, birth workers mental health safe, and keeping us mind, body, and soul, healthy.
About Rhea
Birth Educator, Doula, Counsellor, Trainer, Author.
Rhea’s understanding of birth has been gained over four decades of attending births, counselling and educating on birth issues.
She is recognized as an insightful commentator on the difficulties women, who have a yearning for normal physiological birth, face in navigating contemporary birth culture.
Her book Birth with Confidence: savvy choices for normal birth, explores the issue of embracing the physiological pain of birth and the importance of experienced support.
While Beyond the Birth Plan: getting real about pain and power explores the deeper emotional and psychological dynamics impacting birthing potential
Rhea is the mother of three adult daughters, and five home born grandchildren.